1. Identification
The website of Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial is a property of University of Oviedo, with legal address in School of Economy and Business, Avda. del Cristo s/n, CIF: 33180001-I and email: catedrafarecesdc@uniovi.es
2. Intellectual property
All intellectual property rights, graphic design and source code are the exclusive property of Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial, who retains the exclusive right to their use.
Reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation of any content of this website is forbidden withouth
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3. Content and links to other websites
The user remains responsible for the use of any content in our website. Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial declines any further responsibility for the bad use of any content.
The website may include hyperlinks to websites maintained or controlled by others. Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial is not responsible for and does not routinely screen, approve, review or endorse the contents of or use of any of the products or services that may be offered at these websites.
4. Information exchange and/or diffusion
Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial cannot be held responsible for the information exchange between users through our website. Specially, we decline any responsibility on the use by underagers in case any piece of information can offend them.
5. Actualisation and modification
Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial reserves the right to actualise, modify or remove any information contained, as well as the design of the website. This may happen at any time, without previous notice and without any further responsibility.
6. Technical issues
Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial declines any responsibility for whatever technical issue in our servers, IT services wherever or related to Internet connections, as well as the damages caused by such issues to third persons out of control to us.
We also decline any responsibility for any possible damage caused to the user by users, defects or omissions in the information delivered by third parties other than Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial.
7. Treatment of personal data
In accordance with Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, all personal data is obtained in a legitimate way and is included in a file legally belonging to the Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial, who has implemented the technical, organisational and security steps to warrant confidenciality and integrity of such data.
The purpose of such file is to inform users about activities and events organised by Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial.
Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial commits to the legal requirement of personal data secrecy and its duty to keep and maintain them preventing any loss, misuse or mistreatment of personal data. In conclusion, no personal data will ever be used with commercial purposes or ceded to third parties.
Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial will implement the technical and organisational steps contained in Art. 9 of Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de protección de datos de carácter personal, and, specifically, those contained inReal Decreto 994/1999, de 11 de junio, related to personal data and files.
Users may access, modify, oppose or cancel any personal data included in the file of Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial. To do so, they may contact us by email to info@catedrafundacionarecesdcuniovi.es or by mail to Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Avda. del Cristo s/n 33071 Oviedo.
8. Security
Every user access to personal data is done by secure lines.
9. Choice of Law
Users agree that any dispute arising out of or relating to these Terms or any content posted to a Site, including copies and republication thereof, whether based in contract, tort, statutory or other law, will be governed by the laws of Spain with further consent to the personal jurisdiction of the exclusive venue of Spain.