Catedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial
Catedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial
Universidad de Oviedo
Catedra Fundacion Ramon Areces de Distribucion Comercial

Formatting Norms

Proposals of papers to be published as DOCFRADIS Working Paper of Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución comercial must be sent by email to

Originals will be revised by the Editorial Board and then sent to peer reviewers from the field of reference of the paper. The Editors will decide on publication based on their reviews.

Before sending a document, authors must take the following formatting norms into account (a MS Word template is proposed):

  1. Submitted documents must be sent by email in MS Word format. They should be no longer than 35 pages (1.5 spaces with 2.5cm margins and main typefont being Times New Roman 12), including graphics, tables, annex, bibliography and notes. No extra spaces between paragraphs or indentations (including first line indentation) will be used.
  2. First page of the submitted document will include the authors as well as their institution, with postal and electronic address. Rest of the document will have no reference to authors.
  3. Each submitted document will include a title (in English and Spanish) followed by an abstract in both languages and the paper´s classification according to JEL (Journal Economic Literature).
  4. Titles of each section in the document will be numbered and written in bold letters. A first section of INTRODUCTION and a last section of CONCLUSIONS are encouraged.
  5. Every table, figure and illustration will be sequentially numbered. Number of item and its title will precede the item and its source will be included after the item.
  6. Footnotes will be included in correlative order and will be included at the end of the document, after the References section.
  7. References will be included within the text with Author´s surname, year of publication, letter (when needed) and page. At the end of the document, a section called References will be included with all the articles cited in the document in the following format:

    - Books: Kumar, N. and Steenkamp, J.B. (2007), La estrategia de las marcas blancas, Ediciones Deusto, Madrid.
    - Papers: Liu, Y. y Yang, R. (2009), “Competing loyalty programs: impact of market saturation, market share and category expandability”, Journal of Marketing, 73, 1 (january), 83-108.

Once a proposal is received, Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces de Distribución Comercial will confirm reception by email and the reviewing process will take place. After reception of the reviews by peer reviewers, the Editors will communicate the publishing decision to authors.